Monday, May 23, 2011

Ride Review: The Hulk

As you approach the ride it looks very impressive. There is a bridge that goes right underneath the first hill and the first three inversions of the ride sit over water. The waiting line for the ride starts outside and is very simple, but upon entering inside of a small building there are some themed parts. There are glowing tubes and green and purple supports along with TVs that play a looped warning from Bruce Banner that you have entered his lab and may be exposed to gamma rays. The trains themselves are green and purple with green over-the-shoulder restraints. When you get on the ride it makes a short turn to the left and begin to slowly climb up the first hill. The entire way up is covered with a nicely themed green and purple tunnel. As you start to climb Banner yells that the area is unstable and then linear induction is used to blast the train up the 110ft hill shooting it out at the top. The train immediately spins into a barrel roll and speeds downwards into a cobra roll and a loop before going up around the lift hill and then a corkscrew followed by another loop. The rest of the ride goes through some high banked turns and another corkscrew. Overall, this is very exciting ride that I highly reccomend. The front seat is by far the best as it offers the best view of the ride and is the smoothest. The further back you sit, the rougher of a ride it is. I was suprised by the roughness in the back seat considering it is a steel coaster.

Themeing: 6/10
Ride Elements: 8/10
Smoothness: 7/10
Overall Ride Rating: 8/10

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